A Servant’s Heart
“…whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:43-45
While reading the above verses this morning, the words to the song below came to my mind. Although serving others may not be the first thing that comes to our mind when we think of becoming more Christ-like, it is definitely not a characteristic that we can ignore. Having a servant’s heart is living for others…an attitude that is very contrary to our “me first” thinking. We are, by nature, a very selfish people but the Lord can create a servant’s heart in any of us if we so desire! It is when we find ourselves thinking more of those around us and less of ourselves, that we are on the way to becoming a servant like Jesus…
Make me a servant like you, dear Lord,
Living for others each day
Humble and meek,
Helping the weak,
Loving in all that I say.
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart
Here’s my life, take every part.
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart.
Help me draw so close to You
That Your love comes shining through
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart,
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart.
Make me a witness like You, dear Lord,
Showing the love of the cross,
Sharing Your Word till all have heard,
Serving whatever the cost.
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart
Here’s my life, take every part.
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart.
Help me draw so close to You
That Your love comes shining through
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart,
Give me, Lord, a servant’s heart.
(Ron Hamilton)