This Is My Friend
“His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.” Song of Solomon 5:16
Reading in Song of Solomon this morning, I was reminded of a time in our oldest daughter’s life when she desired a close friend. This time of loneliness resulted in several mother/daughter conversations where I encouraged her to use this season to draw closer to the Lord.
Someone reading this today may be experiencing these same feelings. If you are saved, may I encourage you to recognize Jesus as your dearest Friend? There is absolutely no human friendship that can surpass the friendship of Jesus! You know, He may be allowing this time of loneliness in your life for that very reason – to draw you to Him. Instead of choosing to be sad, look at your situation from a different perspective. The Lord longs for your communion with Him. He longs to have first place in your life. He wants to be your best friend! Is He?
Below is a portion of Matthew Henry’s comments on the above verse. What precious, precious thoughts!
“This is he whom I have chosen, and to whom I have given up myself. None but Christ, none but Christ. This is he on whom my heart is, for he is my best-beloved; this is he in whom I trust, and from whom I expect all good, for this is my friend.” Note, Those that make Christ their beloved shall have him their friend; he has been, is, and will be, a special friend to all believers. He loves those that love him; and those that have him their friend have reason to glory in him, and speak of him with delight. “Let others be governed by the love of the world, and seek their happiness in its friendship and favours, This is my beloved and this is my friend. Others may do as they please, but this is my soul’s choice, my soul’s rest, my life, my joy, my all; this is he whom I desire to live and die with.” ~ Matthew Henry