Catching Up – Anna’s Graduation!
I really had been too busy to give it much thought…until I received this text last week from my sweet friend and fellow homeschool Mom whose youngest graduated this year as well –
“It’s official. ___________ Christian School is permanently closed. I’m not sure what I’m feeling.”
That’s when reality sunk in. Not only is Anna graduating, but she is also our LAST student – therefore, our little home school is officially closed. Wow.
She went on to say –
“I’m thankful. I’m thankful for your encouragement and help when we first started. I’m thankful for God’s faithfulness when money was tight and it was tempting to look for a job. I’m thankful for God’s grace on days when I thought I’d pull my hair out. I’m thankful for a supportive husband and family members. And I’m so very thankful for the blessings of being at home with my children. I have ZERO regrets and precious memories. How many can say that? Onward and forward to the next chapter! At least after I sit still and be quiet for a while.”
Can I say “AMEN” right here? I, too, have no regrets whatsoever about the decision we made almost 30 years ago to homeschool our children. God has proven His faithfulness to us time and time again! And, how can one put a price on the many precious memories that were made? Oh yes, there are some things I would do differently within our home school but, if I could go back to when my children were young, I’d do it all over again!
That last thought – “onward and forward” – reminded me of the theme the Lord has continually put before me this year – “Keep Moving Forward”. As we close a chapter in our family, it is not time to sit back and relax – there’s too much to do for the Lord and I look forward to what He has in store for us in the days ahead! Amen!!
Below are some pictures of Anna’s graduation photoshoot that Bethany did recently as well as pictures of her celebration picnic this past Saturday. It was a great day and we thank the Lord for it! Enjoy!