Update On Mom
My family and I have been taking turns staying with Mom. The last two mornings, I have had the privilege of reading Scripture to the one who taught me about Jesus.
Mom has enjoyed using the girls’ Indian blankets since we got here on Tuesday afternoon.
In spite of all she has been through, Mom is still Mom and if anyone knows her very well at all, they will understand this next picture. I couldn’t help but get tickled – today, she wanted a picture of me and my sisters…holding her flowers, of course. I just had to grab my phone and capture this. ?
Mom loves taking pictures. After that last one, we convinced her to get a selfie with us…even though she said she didn’t look good. ?
Anna has been busy decorating her side of the room with encouraging Scripture…
And, because she has really missed her music, we brought KNVBC to her!
Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Mom. They are truly appreciated!