Dwell Deep
1. That I will have JOY that day –
“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”
Psalms 16:11
2. That I will have STRENGTH for that day –
“…the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Nehemiah 8:10
No one is exempt from trials – NO ONE. But, each of us, as Christians, has a choice of where we will dwell. Whether trial or sunshine, if we are abiding in HIS presence, God’s Word promises us JOY – FULNESS of JOY!
And, HIS joy (not happiness based on circumstances)…true inner JOY from the Lord is the source of our strength for whatever we may face each day.
I am reminded of a quote from a dear, soldier of the cross – Br Sammy Allen:
“Happiness comes from happenings; JOY comes from within.”
My friend, where are you dwelling today? Where have you chosen to abide? It is a choice that each of us makes every day. When we choose to dwell anywhere but in the presence of the Lord, we are forfeiting the JOY He promises and therefore the STRENGTH we so desperately need each day.
Friend, dig deep into God’s Word. Stay longer on your knees. Fill your heart with Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs. Avoid dwelling in the muck and mire of negative thoughts, negative friends, negative news, and yes, negative social media.
Friend, choose to dwell in His presence today. Choose JOY. Choose STRENGTH.