I Am Soooo Blessed!!
Meanwhile, there was a new cd that we were aware of – a joint effort by Faith Music Missions and Bible Truth Music and recorded at Faith. It was just released a few weeks ago. The girls and I had heard a few of the songs on Faith Music Radio and, well…we really, REALLY wanted to get the cd. I asked the Lord, if it be His will, to let that particular cd be the one I received. The package came today and as I opened it, I prayed again.
Folks, when I saw this…
my reaction was….umm….not quiet. I scared the girls half to death (they told me later that they thought I had seen a mouse). Unfortunately, one of them flung the cup of tea she was drinking…to the point of it going up her nose.
THIS “random” cd is the one I prayed for!! God not only heard my prayer and blessed me with it – He chose to do so on a day that I really needed a “hug” from Him.
Thank you, Lord – for not just a hug today but a big ol’ bear hug! As the title of this cd reflects, I truly am SO BLESSED!
“The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer.” Psalm 6:9