Our Trust – Past or Present Tense?
Just over a week ago, the following devotional was part of my morning personal time with the Lord.

There’s no doubt in my mind that God gave me the above thought in preparation for the upsetting news I would receive later that afternoon. I will admit, that my first thoughts were those of doubt, fear, hopelessness, etc. But, it wasn’t long at all before the sweet Holy Spirit began bringing to my mind –
“I am trusting…I am trusting…I am trusting.”
That simple phrase has continued to be a reminder as well as a comfort to me this past week.
I am so very thankful that, no matter what may come my way, I serve the ONLY God Who is trustworthy! What a comfort to realize that the God I was trusting BEFORE the storm is the SAME ALL-MIGHTY, ALL-POWERFUL God when the storm begins to rage. Praise the Lord!
When my children were young, most if not all of them went through a time of fearing the dark. Because of this, one of the first verses that I taught them was Psalm 56:3 –
“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”
What a simple yet precise thought – when fear comes, I’m just going to continue to trust God!
This evening, may we be careful to not allow our trust in God to become a “past-tense trust”. May we not be guilty of saying, “Yesterday, I trusted God but today? Well, today has brought this unexpected trial in my life and I just don’t know if God can handle it…” Oh no, my friend! There is absolutely nothing in our lives of which God is not aware. He is in complete control and is fully capable of calming our storm. This evening, whatever circumstance we may find ourselves in, may we say,
“I am trusting”
“Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.” Psalm 62:8