Children Are Gifts From God ❤️
The underlined phrase below really stood out in my Bible reading this morning and I felt compelled to share my heart on this matter of our attitude towards children.

It grieves me when I hear children referred to as burdens instead of gifts from God.
Even if we don’t say it in THEIR presence, what we say to others reveals what is in our hearts. Though we may be able to refrain from saying things like this in front of THEM, children know. They sense genuine love vs simply a tolerance of them at best.
And, I believe they will often respond accordingly.
I don’t mean to insinuate that there are never challenges with being a mother.
There are! Most definitely!
But there are challenges in EVERY season of life. And those challenges MUST be handled with a close walk with the Lord and complete dependence upon HIS strength and wisdom.
Children are not burdens, curses, “rugrats”, etc – they are blessings.
They require time – a whole lot of time.
They require much love and attention.
They require consistent teaching and training – with a whole lot of repetition. 😊
Oftentimes, the frustration in mothering comes when the demands of parenting interrupt our “me time”. (I don’t recall that term when I was raising my children.)
Mommas of little ones – you’re in a season.
Embrace your season.
Put down your phones, pick up your Bibles and get the wisdom and strength you so desperately need to be the momma that your children need and that God would have you to be.
It’s not God’s will for you to constantly feel frustrated, stressed, angry, depressed, etc., and then turn around and release those feelings on your children.
If you are worn out (and motherhood can be very tiring), nap when the little ones are napping.
Go to bed earlier at night.
Ask the Lord to give you the rest you need and the strength for each day.
Eat healthier.
Simplify your life.
Prioritize your time and learn to say “no” to less important things.
Again, I’m not saying that being a mother does not have its challenges.
I AM saying, you need God…more than you need your friends, your social media accounts, your video games, even your hobbies.
You desperately need God.
Mommas, for the sake of your children, fall in love with Jesus. ❤️
“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”
Psalm 127:3 KJV
“He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a JOYFUL mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.”
Psalm 113:9 KJV