“Will You Be My Valentine?”
Yesterday’s trip to town proved to be an afternoon of blessings! I’ve already shared one of those blessings over on our social media accounts – ONE DOLLAR Scrabble games!

I love finding good deals – not only to supply our own family needs but also to be a blessing to others! For years now, the Lord has been so very faithful to allow me to “be in the right place at just the right time” which has allowed me to get some amazing buys!
BUT, although that was a huge blessing that I do not want to take for granted, yesterday afternoon brought another FAR GREATER blessing to me!!
After finding the dollar Scrabble games and leaving the toy department, I began to make my way to the grocery section…while making a slight detour through the children’s clothing to check out the clearance buys. As I walked into the little girls’ section, I heard someone from behind calling out,
Assuming it was for someone else, I continued walking only to hear it again,
This time I turned around to see a teenage girl riding in the back of a buggy. Our eyes met and, with a mischievous grin accompanied by a fluttering of her false eyelashes, she asked me,
“Will you be my valentine?”
I knew she was joking with me so I smiled at her before turning back around to continue shopping. Seconds later, the Holy Spirit smote my heart,
“That was it. That was the opportunity you asked for.”
(You see, what I haven’t mentioned yet is an incident that took place when I pulled into my parking spot at Walmart. As I reached for my purse before getting out of my car, my eyes fell on the tracts I had put in the side pocket. Once again my heart was troubled. I longed to be a more consistent witness for the Lord, but I often allowed either fear or just plain busyness to keep me from taking advantage of the opportunities He gives. Right there, in the quietness of my car, I asked God to please allow me to share the Gospel with someone – and that He would make it VERY CLEAR to me when the opportunity came. Now, back to my story.)
My first reaction to the Holy Spirit’s nudging was a simple yet sincere prayer in my heart,
“Lord, I’m sorry. I know I totally missed it. Please forgive me.”
With that taken care of, I then found myself quickly leaving the little girls’ section, in hot pursuit of a teenage girl in the back of a Walmart buggy. There I went, walking quickly while scanning the side aisles and praying, “Lord, please let me find her.” I rounded the corner past the pet food section and off in the distance I saw her.
“Thank you, Lord.”
As I approached her and her two friends/family members I noticed that she was getting on her phone. Her back was to me as I reached the buggy, but the other two girls noticed me approaching them and got her attention. The girl turned around and as I held out the tract I said, “Can I give you a valentine?” She looked at what I was handing her and her immediate reaction was priceless.

The fact that she was both surprised and touched was so very obvious as she bit her lip and closed her eyes to hide a little mist. Then, holding her “valentine” in both hands and pulling it to her she said, “I’m gonna treasure this forever”. I leaned over her, patted her on the shoulder, and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day” before turning around and walking off. Now it was my turn for misty eyes as I thanked GOD for the opportunity to share the news of the BEST VALENTINE this world has ever known! Praise the Lord!
Friends, I share this story in hopes of encouraging someone else who may struggle as I do. Perhaps someone is reading this right now who truly does have a desire to become a more consistent witness for the Lord but, for whatever reason, it never seems to happen. May I encourage you that God knows your desire and He will not fail you! If you will only ask Him to help you – and even make it clear to you – He will!
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16