Let’s Be Big-Hearted!
“And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.” I Kings 4:29
The above verse was part of my Old Testament reading last week. When we think of King Solomon, I would say the first word that comes to our mind is “wise”. However, as I read it that morning, the phrase “largeness of heart” really stood out to me. The first thought that came to my mind was, that Solomon had a big heart.
We see his big heart a few chapters later when the Queen of Sheba visits the king. Upon her departure, we read,
“And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants.” I Kings 10:13
By now, you may be thinking, “Yes, but not only was King Solomon the wisest man ever, but he was also the richest man. He could AFFORD to give abundantly!”
True. But, here’s my thought. When given the opportunity to ask God for anything, King Solomon did not make a selfish request. Instead of thinking of himself, he asked for something that would benefit others. He asked that God would grant him wisdom to rightly lead the Children of Israel. Before God granted him his request, the king already had a big heart for the needs of others. Could it be that, because of his unselfish spirit, God knew he could trust Solomon with riches as well? That’s just a thought that I have pondered.
This morning’s New Testament portion of my devotions had me in Matthew 26 where we read of the woman with the alabaster box of ointment (verses 6-13). Reading this passage reminds me of a message I heard years ago preached by Dr. R. B. Oullette and titled, “Extravagant Love”. Although the previous example of King Solomon may not be quite as clear an example of big-heartedness, one thing is for sure – this woman had a big heart for her Saviour! Nothing was too good or too much for the One Who would very soon give His life for her! And, what I love reading is what the Lord gave back to her!
“Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.” Matthew 26:13
Here are Matthew Henry’s comments on this verse:
“The memorial of this woman was to be preserved, not by dedicating a church to her, or keeping an annual feast in honour of her, or preserving a piece of her broken box for a sacred relic; but by mentioning her faith and piety in the preaching of the gospel, for example to others,”
Matthew Henry
Isn’t that an amazing thought?? Because of this woman’s extravagant love – her big-heartedness, if I may – her FAITH would be mentioned as an example in Scripture! WOW! That reminds me of a recent post here at In Thine Heart – Living Beyond The Expiration Date (inthineheart.com)
You know what, folks? You just can’t outgive God!
Here is one thing that I have discovered. Very often, the times that my heart has been selfish and my hands tight-fisted, I have not had much to give others. And, if the Lord did bless me with more than I needed and I kept it to myself, I may have had an abundance for myself but I did not have the JOY that comes from giving! I say that to my shame. Stingy people are not happy people.
On the other hand, the times that my heart has been charitable and my hands open, God has so often allowed me to be a channel of blessing to others! May I share one of my favorite fairly recent examples?
Last fall, I believe, the Lord touched my heart concerning a need that I saw. I don’t remember if I prayed about it but I do know that I desired to fill that need if God would allow it. Just days later, I was walking down the center aisle at Walmart and noticed a rack of shoes with a sign that said $1.00. Well, if you know me, you know that I stopped to see if there were any that would fit my family’s needs. While looking at that one rack in the center aisle, I overheard a customer saying that the Walmart worker was marking other clearance shoes down to one dollar as well! Long story short, the Lord allowed me to fill a need that day! BUT, others also benefited! Just one example – at Christmas time, I had some VERY HAPPY mommas who were THRILLED to get a gift bag of dollar shoes (a variety of sizes, of course) for my little GRANDbaby girls! Praise the Lord!
You know what? You just can’t outgive God!!
How big are our hearts today? Would they be described as giving or greedy? Do we desire to be a clear channel of God’s blessings or a murky mudpuddle of “me only”? Remember, friends – whether it be our time, our talent, OR our treasure, we really can’t outgive God!