Remembering God’s Goodness
I’m amazed at how well little ones do with the Memory game. When Anna was very young, she was the Memory game champ of the family. Today, lil Kinsley beat Aunt Anna in the first game – fair and square. 😁

This afternoon, I received a text from a dear friend. She was sharing with me a HUGE blessing for which many had been joining with them in prayer. I rejoiced with her as she told how God had done EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY ABOVE for them! AMEN!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I also thanked her for sharing their amazing answer to prayer with me. It not only blessed my heart but served as a needed REMINDER to me of just how very GOOD and FAITHFUL and ABLE my God is! Because sometimes our memory tends to fail us, doesn’t it?
“I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old.”
Psalm 77:11 KJV