To Him, There Are No Little Things
Last month, our country took time to remember those who had given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Since we were up here in WV that weekend, we did a little research to see if there were any special events going on that Monday and were thrilled to see that a Memorial Day Parade was scheduled to take place on Main Street in St. Albans!
{{{Perfect! Mom is very patriotic and will really enjoy going to something like that. We will keep it a surprise and just tell her we’re going on a little adventure!}}}
That morning, we dressed in patriotic colors and made sure Mom did as well. (I even found a small American flag for her to hold!)
“Ok girls. Pray that we find a good parking spot.”
As we neared downtown St. Albans, I pulled into a near empty parking lot – right across the bottom end of Main Street.
{{{Thank you, Lord!!}}}
We got Mom settled in her wheelchair for this little walk up to where the action was about 15 or so minutes from taking place.
{{{Mom is going to love this!!!}}}

As we topped the little incline, I looked down Main Street and saw American flags waving but no people. I wasn’t too surprised though. We have been to the poorly attended Veteran’s Day parade in our own small town.
“Girls, this may not be a real big event. Sadly, there may not be a whole lot of people that show up to pay tribute to the fallen.”
As we continued to walk down the empty sidewalks, I spotted a man sitting at an outdoor table.
“Excuse me. Is there a Memorial Day Parade here at 10:30?”
“I really don’t know. They could probably tell you inside.” (referring to the local coffee shop)
“Ok. Thank you!”
Anna and I went on in and saw several people sitting and enjoying their coffee drinks.
{{{Of course! They’re waiting in here to escape the morning sun until the parade starts!}}}
“Excuse me. Is there going to be a Memorial Day Parade here at 10:30.”
{{{getting nervous about the lady’s blank expression}}}
“Ummm…I haven’t heard about one. Usually, they have us move our cars off of the street.”
{{{makes sense}}}
After receiving a similar response from the other employee as well as a couple of customers, we made our exit…a little puzzled. Well, actually…a whole lot puzzled!
{{{I know there is a parade in downtown St. Albans. I know it is on Monday. I KNOW it is on Monday, May 30, 2022 at 10:30 am!!! I saw it with my own eyes.}}}
As we walked by the man sitting at the table, he commented while looking at his phone,
“It does say that there’s supposed to be a parade here at 10:30.”
{{{THERE! We have someone else who agrees with us!}}}
We continued walking down the practically deserted street.
“Let me see that again…”
As I finished reading the information on my phone about the Memorial Day Parade in St. Albans, my eyes went up to the top right corner of the screen.
St. Albans, VT
VERMONT?!?! How did we MISS that tiny, “insignificant” detail?
All was not lost, folks! We still took the time to get a picture to remember this “fun outing”…

before ending our Memorial Day adventure at McDonalds for a little treat!

That day I was reminded that, although WE totally missed a very small yet very important detail, our God is a God of details! Absolutely nothing gets by Him!
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?” Luke 12:6
I want to share a recent illustration of this truth. Last week, we were excited for the opportunity to send one of our prints over 10,000 miles away!

Our Australian friend had been so very thoughtful to send Mom a birthday card and booklet and the Lord impressed our hearts to return the kindness with a print of her choice. When I informed her of our desire, a portion of her response was,
“It’s funny, I had been admiring them when you were at the Daycation. God really does take notice of everything!”
Friends, that blessed my heart to hear of her desires – desires that only she and God knew!!! I assured her that God did indeed take notice of everything! He even knows the number of our hairs! Praise the Lord!
“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10:30
This morning, the Lord reminded me once again of His attention to the smallest aspects of our lives. From the Springs in the Valley devotional book by Mrs. Charles Cowman:
“A doubting soul beheld a robin’s nest in a gigantic elm and heard a still small voice saying, ‘If God spent a hundred years in creating a tree like that for a bird, He will surely take care of you.’ God is so interested, that He takes us one by one and arranges for every detail of our life. To Him, there are no little things.”
Springs in the Valley
Today, why not take the time to thank God that He really does care about the tiniest details in your life? What a loving, personal Heavenly Father!
“With God, no problem is too big and no detail is too small.”
Woodrow Kroll
Kim Nolywaika
One of the nicest things about the little things is that, if we have eyes to see, there are so many of them!
in thine heart
Oh yes! We miss seeing so much of God’s hand in our lives and therefore miss out on being blessed!