God Delights in Blessing His Children!
When you hear the ice cream truck coming down the road at Great Grandma’s house, there’s no time for shoes! 🎶👣

Yes, what this Nana paid for one frozen treat a few weeks ago could have bought a box of them at the grocery store. 😉

But…the little ones were thrilled and memories were made! 🥰🥰🥰

Yesterday afternoon, the girls and I were out awhile before church. At one particular moment, I had a desire on my heart and silently asked the Lord to grant that desire – if it be His will. Within seconds, He did indeed give me that for which I asked.
Was it a need? No.
But you know what? I was thrilled. And the memory of it is still with me this morning! ❤️
Our God is such a personal God Who DELIGHTS in showering His children with blessings! Aren’t you thankful? ❤️
“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.”
Psalm 68:19 KJV