Claiming God’s Promises!
This morning, I read once again some verses that have been dear to my heart for many years now. It was during a time of seeking the Lord over a heavy burden that He gave me this very specific passage of Scripture. That morning, I wrote the date in my Bible and took God at His Word.
Over 12 years later, by God’s grace alone, I’m still claiming those verses.
Because God cannot lie. He ALWAYS keeps His promises.
Aren’t you thankful for that?
”Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I WILL perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.“
Jeremiah 33:14 KJV
“Though the promise may sometimes work SLOWLY towards an accomplishment, it works SURELY. The days WILL come, though they are long in coming.”
~ Matthew Henry
God never made a promise that was too good to be true.
~ D.L. Moody
An active faith can give thanks for a promise, though it be not as yet performed; knowing that God’s bonds are as good as ready money.
~ Matthew Henry
When God gives a promise, He always tries our faith. Just as the roots of trees take firmer hold when they are contending with the wind, so faith takes a firmer hold when it struggles with adverse appearances.
~ Robert Murray McCheyne
The future is as bright as the promises of God.
~William Carey
God’s promises are to be our pleas in prayer.
~Matthew Henry