Dear Single Ladies – Don’t Settle
To the single ladies – with love. ❤️

“Who can find her? This intimates that good women are very scarce”
~ Matthew Henry
Dear single lady,
Just like the virtuous woman is very scarce, so is the virtuous man.
Remember that.
BUT, although there may not be very many “Daniels” and “Josephs” and “Davids”…etc…there are some!
And you only need one! 😉
And THEY are praying for a virtuous woman!
As you pray and wait on the Lord in this area of marriage, it may seem like the world is passing you by.
It’s ok.
Let it pass on by.
Your “Daniel” is not among the worldly-minded.
I’m reminded of a quote I heard at the beginning of this year that went something like this:
“Far better to want something you don’t have than to have something you don’t want.”
~ Alton Beal
Matthew Henry defines a virtuous woman as:
“A virtuous woman is a woman of spirit, who has the command of her own spirit and knows how to manage other people’s, one that is pious and industrious, and a help meet for a man.
A virtuous woman is a woman of resolution, who, having espoused good principles, is firm and steady to them, and will not be frightened with winds and clouds from any part of her duty.”
Dear single lady,
If you desire to be a virtuous woman, don’t allow anxiety or desperation to weaken your resolve. In this season of waiting, resist the temptation to “help God out” by dropping your moral standards in order to attract a guy. Yes, you may get the attention you were seeking but it WON’T be from that special guy who is praying and waiting for that special girl that stands out from the rest.
Virtuous men have no desire for worldly women. They are a dime a dozen. A virtuous man is praying for a virtuous woman. And, when God brings that special someone into his life, he will recognize and value her for who she is – a treasure worth far more than rubies!
❤️Dear single lady, don’t settle for anything less than to be truly loved and valued the way God intended.❤️
“The unspeakable worth of such a one, and the value which he that has such a wife ought to put upon her, showing it by his thankfulness to God and his kindness and respect to her, whom he must never think he can do too much for.”
~ Matthew Henry
“A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband”
Proverbs 12:4 KJV
“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;”
Ephesians 5:25 KJV