God's Promises,  God's Word,  Obedience,  Wisdom/Discernment

Ask God!

Even though our heart’s desire may be to obey God, there could be times when we really don’t know how to go about it. I found myself in one of those situations last evening and, as I tried to figure things out on my own, the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts and brought James 1:5 to my mind,

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…”

To my shame, I continued in my own troubled thoughts and He reminded me once again,

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…”

I stopped and told God of my desire to obey Him as well as the struggle going on in my heart (we may as well tell Him – He already knows anyway), and then I ASKED HIM for wisdom! Within a minute or two, the Lord gave crystal clear direction as well as perfect peace concerning His direction.

You know what? This verse is one of many promises we can claim – but how often do we fail to take God at His Word? How often do we lose time and often sleep simply because we fail to ASK GOD for wisdom?

This morning, my New Testament reading had me beginning the book of James.

Now, isn’t that just like our God? 😁
What a loving, personal, patient Saviour we serve! ❤️

My friend, are you puzzled about what to do concerning a situation in your life?
Ask God. He’s waiting to hear from you!

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