When Fear Stops You Dead In Your Tracks
Recently, when Caleb and family were here, we all traveled up to WV for the weekend. It was during our time in WV that our 2-year-old GRANDdaughter met someone. Now, most of the…
Feed Your Faith, Not Your Fears
Morning, noon and night – be conscious of what you are intentionally “feeding on” via your eyes and ears. How is it affecting you? Is it causing doubts, fear, confusion, despair, etc? That…
From a Mother’s Heart
“He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him…” John 6:71 An unusual post, perhaps, on this evening before we celebrate the resurrection of our…
Daddy’s Helper ❤️
Son and GRANDbabygirl out inviting people to tomorrow’s Easter service. Who could resist an invitation to church from this cutie pie? ?
Don’t Be A Slacker
Although 2 of the tribes of Israel had already received their inheritance in Canaan, the majority had not. For whatever reason, they seemed satisfied that their circumstances had improved. They were in no…
Imagine leaning over and telling an individual who is experiencing excruciating pain from falling down and breaking their ankle – “It’s going to be ok…it could be worse…I know someone who is in…
- Comfort, Family Happenings, God's Love, God's Promises, Grace, photos, Salvation, Song, Strength, Trials
Deuteronomy 33:25
Whenever I read this verse, I am reminded of the hymn, “Day by Day”. Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25 That,…
Just Rest
This picture (taken over 5 years ago at a “We Stand With God” rally) is a favorite for a couple of reasons. Obviously, because it’s one of my GRANDboys. But also, because it…
Fear vs. Faith – Paul Chappell
So often, when I am suddenly overcome with fear, the Holy Spirit reminds me that fear is the opposite of faith and without faith it is impossible to please HIM. This reminder has…