A Belated Welcome!
Two weeks ago today, the girls and I were up at the hospital waiting…and waiting…and waiting… After a longer than expected labor and delivery, GRANDblessing #15 finally made her appearance after 11:00 that…
Holding God To His Word
The following devotional, from Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening, was a blessing to me this morning! Amen! How very thankful I am for the trustworthiness of our Heavenly Father!
“It Is Time To Seek The Lord”
From Morning & Evening by Charles Spurgeon… “(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted…
Enchanted But Unchanged
The following devotional, from Daily Thoughts for Disciples by Oswald Chambers, burdened my heart this morning. Individuals who profess to be saved yet have never had a desire whatsoever to read the Bible,…
Growing In Grace – Oswald Chambers
Here’s some food for thought this morning – taken from Daily Thoughts for Disciples by Oswald Chambers…
Praising God For The Valley
So, so true!! Taken from Daily Thoughts for Disciples by Oswald Chambers…
Spring Is Coming!
A very encouraging thought taken from Words of Comfort and Cheer by Mrs. Charles Cowman…
The Last Step Wins
I was truly encouraged this morning by the following devotional from Streams in the Desert. Friend, if you are in a trial right now, don’t stop praying. Don’t faint. Don’t slumber. Press on,…