Others May, You Cannot – George D. Watson
Last week, I received a text from a dear sister, encouraging me to read the following piece. It was written by G.D. Watson (1845-1924), a Wesleyan Methodist minister based in Los Angeles. I…
Faith – E.M. Bounds
“Likewise, such faith acts. Like the man who was born blind, it goes to wash in the pool of Siloam when told to wash. Like Peter on the Sea of Galilee, it instantly…
See God In Everything
See God in Everything “Give me a new idea,” I said, While musing on a sleepless bed; “A new idea that’ll bring to earth A balm for souls of priceless worth; That’ll give…
Ladies Meeting 2017
We thank the Lord for the wonderful time He gave us last evening and today at our annual ladies meeting! The theme was “Lovely Ladies” and my, how our hearts were challenged to…
My Mom
My sisters took Mom out yesterday for a new permanent and then lunch. Isn’t she beautiful? My sister said the hairdresser told them they had never fixed the hair of a 94-year-old that…
Reproof – It’s Not Going To Kill Us
“Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head…” Psalm 141:5 The above verse was…
If You’re Going To Walk On The Water – Br. Lester Roloff
On weekday mornings, at 8:00am, KNVBC broadcasts “The Family Altar” with Br. Lester Roloff. I don’t always catch it but this morning, as the broadcast began, I grabbed a pen and journal to…
How desolate my life would be, How dark and drear my nights and days, If Jesus’ face I did not see, To brighten all earth’s weary ways I’m overshadowed by His mighty love…
Smoky Mountain Youth Revival 2017 – Pictures!
Well, as the saying goes…better late than never. We received an inquiry this week concerning pictures from the Smoky Mountain Youth Revival back in July. We appreciate the feedback – it served as a…