- Discouragement, Faith, Fear, God's Promises, God's Word, Growing/Bearing Fruit, Peace, Prayer, Quotes, Trials
Fear Not
“…let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified…” Deuteronomy 20:3 The title of this post reflects the theme for today’s 30-minute live broadcast on KNVBC. As…
- Contentment, Faith, God's Will, Holiness, Missions, Obedience, Peace, Poetry, Protection, Serving, Surrender
In The Center Of The Circle – Betty Stam
(John Cornelius Stam and Elisabeth Alden “Betty” Stam were American Christian missionaries to China, with the China Inland Mission, during the Chinese Civil War. The missionary couple were executed by Communist Chinese soldiers…
Fearing Man or Trusting God
“We are encouraged to depend upon the power of God, which would keep us from all that fear of man which has either torment or temptation in it. Whoso puts his trust in…
Trust – Andrew Murray
“How does God teach His eaglet children to use their wings? He comes and stirs up their nests with some tribulation or temptation. Why? Just as the eaglets find the mother coming under…
Just Follow the Instructions
I always liked the simplicity of this child’s game (the classic version).1) Pick a card2) “Read” the card3) Obey the card’s “instructions” That pretty much sums up the rules for playing Candy Land.…
Recollections – Cause and Effect
“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.” Lamentions 3:21 A simple thought this morning – what are we choosing to recall? The above verse indicates whatever was recalled resulted in…
Genesis 46:3,4 – C.H. Spurgeon
C. H. Spurgeon’s evening portion of his Morning & Evening devotional gave a great challenge! I like how he ended the thought with a charge: “Reader, go forward, and fear not.”
The Way of Faith
This morning’s devotional, from Streams in the Desert, was an encouragement as well as great reminder to me! I pray it will be a blessing to someone this evening…
Christ’s Sigh
“And looking up to heaven, he sighed…” Mark 7:34 “Too often we sigh and look within; Jesus sighed and looked without. We sigh and look down; Jesus sighed and looked up. We sigh…