Make Haste!!
Abigail is, without a doubt, one of my favorite female Bible characters. Among other things, I admire her fortitude, and each time I read about her in I Samuel 25, I find myself…
No Limits!
As grocery stores continue to strive to keep items stocked throughout our country’s pandemic, the sign below has become a familiar sight on select shelves. Yesterday afternoon, while reflecting on this latest action that…
Unforeseen Circumstances
Just a few weeks ago, I would not have guessed that this would be a common sight across our nation… This little notice from our local grocery store tells me that I’m not…
Don’t Stop Praying!
Don’t stop praying! the Lord is nigh;Don’t stop praying! He’ll hear your cry,God has promised, and He is true,Don’t stop praying! He’ll answer you. Don’t stop praying for every need,Don’t stop praying! the…
Passive Faith vs. Active Faith – Repost
I posted the following devotional two years ago on this date. It stirred my heart once again this morning so I thought I would repost it. May we pray for the courage to…
Stand – Jesus Never Fails – Stand
Yesterday morning, part of my personal devotions included the following from Still Higher for His Highest by Oswald Chambers: Yesterday afternoon, my daughter walked over to me and very calmly but assuredly said:…
Go Again!!
What a blessing and encouragement the following devotional was this morning! From C.H. Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening…
God Can Do Anything
The following devotional, taken from Revival Today by John Goetsch & Nathan Birt, was a great reminder and encouragement to me this morning. I pray it will be a blessing to you as…
But I Trust in the Lord
A couple mornings ago, in my personal devotions, the following verse stood out to me… “But I trust in the Lord that I also myself shall come shortly.” Philippians 2:24 The part that…