“He Hath Said” – C.H. Spurgeon
Wow! This was an EXCELLENT reminder of the importance of daily digging into God’s Word and CLAIMING His Promises!! I pray it will be a blessing to you as well! (From Spurgeon’s Morning…
Go Forward!
This morning’s devotional from Streams in the Desert prompted a time of personal reflection. Is God waiting for us to take a step of faith? Is God waiting for us to go forward?…
“Lord…Do As Thou Hast Said”
The following devotional was an inspiration to me. From this morning’s portion of Morning & Evening by C.H. Spurgeon…
Knock Hard!
The following devotional, from Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening, was a huge blessing and encouragement to me this morning! Not long after reading the devotional, I received the following via text: “My voice shalt…
Faith – C. H. Spurgeon
I hope this devotional, from Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening, will be an encouragement to you this morning. I know it truly blessed my heart!