Sweet Memories
Around this time of year, many of us reflect back on past Christmases when we gathered with loved ones who are no longer with us. Because this is a normal time for memories…
In order to appease Haman, it was his wife and “all his friends” who advised him to have gallows made on which to hang Mordecai – the Godly man who refused to bow…
Fleeting Opportunities
(The following devotional is taken from J. R. Miller’s book, ”Come Ye Apart”) Me ye have not always. — Mark 14:7 We ought to learn well the value of opportunities. They do not…
To Him, There Are No Little Things
Last month, our country took time to remember those who had given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. Since we were up here in WV that weekend, we did a little research to…
Ladies Daycation 2022 – Pictures!
We’re so thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to once again attend the Ladies Daycation this past weekend! We were praying for the Lord to give us exactly what we needed (HE…
They Had No Comforter
The above verse was where I began my Bible reading this morning and it has stayed with me – in particular, the phrase “they had no comforter”. A portion of Matthew Henry’s comments…
“I Truly Thought No One Cared”
I am not always sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading as I should be – I know that I have missed many opportunities – but it truly is my desire to hear and…
Behaving Like an Upperclassman
As many of you know, the girls and I have been spending a good bit more time with Mom up here in WV – helping her in whatever way we can. One benefit…
- Anger/Bitterness, Backsliding/Rebellion, Friendship, Guarding From Sin, Holiness, Obedience, Protection, Quotes, Relationships, Wisdom/Discernment
Social Distancing for the Soul!
For over two months now, our lifestyles have seen drastic changes due to Covid 19. From face masks to hand sanitizer to gloves to directional arrows to limited gatherings…and the list could go…
The Dearest Friend I Ever Had
When I was drifting out in sin I had no peace, no joy within But Jesus came and made me glad The dearest friend I ever had He saved my soul; oh, bless…