When Ye Fast…
(I preface the following by saying, there are different types of fasting and each should be approached with wisdom and care. This may include speaking to your doctor before beginning a fast. It…
God’s Better Answer
“God answers our prayers many times not by bringing His will down to our level, but by lifting us up to Himself. We grow strong, so we will no longer need to cry…
Claiming God’s Promises!
This morning, I read once again some verses that have been dear to my heart for many years now. It was during a time of seeking the Lord over a heavy burden that…
God Delights in Blessing His Children!
When you hear the ice cream truck coming down the road at Great Grandma’s house, there’s no time for shoes! 🎶👣 Yes, what this Nana paid for one frozen treat a few weeks…
Flame of God
From prayer that asks that I may beSheltered from winds that beat on Thee,From fearing when I should aspire,From faltering when I should climb higher;From silken self, O Captain, freeThy soldier who would…
In The Morning
“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.”Psalm 5:3 KJV The morning is the gate of the…
The Unanswered Prayer
The Unanswered Prayer She asked to be made like her Saviour.He took her right then at her word.And sent her a heart-crushing burdenTill the depths of her soul were stirred. She wanted a…
Power of Prayer – John Newton
In themselves, as weak as worms,How can poor believers stand,When temptations, foes, and storms,Press them close on every hand? Weak, indeed, they feel they are,But they know the throne of grace;And the God…
The Ability of God
“The ability of God is beyond our prayers, beyond our largest prayers! I have been thinking of some of the petitions that have entered into my supplication innumerable times. What have I asked…
Crash Course
Just some Saturday morning musings… When I compare the years I have been saved with where I am spiritually, I realize I have much catching up to do. 😕I don’t know about you…