He Has NEVER Lost A Battle!
While driving home from church last night, a cd by the Epleys was playing. As the song “Stand By Me” played, the Lord just seemed to magnify the following words in my heart…
It Is Well
When peace, like a river, attendeth my wayWhen sorrows like sea billows rollWhatever my lot, thou hast taught me to sayIt is well, it is well with my soul It is wellWith my…
- Comfort, Discouragement, Faith, Family Happenings, Fear, God's Love, God's Promises, Hope, Peace, Praise, Song, Trials
I Sing Because I’m Free!
I purchased this necklace at the Faithful Ladies Daycation a few weeks ago. Although there was quite a selection to choose from, when I saw this one I immediately knew it was “the…
He Is Precious
So precious is Jesus, my Savior, my King;His praise all the day long with rapture I sing;To Him in my weakness for strength I can cling,For He is so precious to me. Refrain:For…
O Troubled Soul – A. B. Simpson
O troubled soul, beneath the rodThy Father speaks—be still, be still;Learn to be silent unto God,And let Him mold thee to His will. O anxious soul, lay down thy load,Oh, hear His voice,…
No Limits!
As grocery stores continue to strive to keep items stocked throughout our country’s pandemic, the sign below has become a familiar sight on select shelves. Yesterday afternoon, while reflecting on this latest action that…
Singing As We Go
This lil buddy loves to sing…and this was definitely his favorite song this morning on the way to church!
“O What Peace We Often Forfeit”
This past weekend, we were up in WV for a visit as well as a belated birthday present (a WVU football game) for my husband. Before leaving Mom’s to head back south on…
Is Jesus Enough?
This afternoon, I went to pick up one of our lil’ buddies for the long weekend. On the way there, it was just me and the Lord…with the following song playing. My, how…
A Perfect Follow-Up To My Previous Post!
Just as I was preparing to post the devotional a few minutes ago, the following hymn began playing. What PERFECT timing – God is so good!! Read the following words and be blessed…